Bad Credit Mortgage Loans – How To Get Approved There are many factors that you, as a borrower have control over that can help you get approved faster and easier. There are guidelines that most sub-prime lenders go by that, if you know them, can help you move through the process without getting stuck, and unable to get financing. If you have a bankruptcy or foreclosure, even if they are recent, do not despair. Many sub-prime or bad credit mortgage lenders have what’s called, guidelines for bankruptcy or foreclosure seasoning. That means that they have a set amount of time that must go by from the time of a bankruptcy or foreclosure before they will lend to a borrower. Usually this time is 2-3 years, but many sub-prime lenders have no seasoning time, which means, if your credit score is above a certain point, you could get approved the day after your bankruptcy discharge. Other sub-prime lenders have bankruptcy or foreclosure seasoning of 6 months or a year. The biggest factor...